
Cognitive Hierarchy in Capacity Allocation Games


主题:Cognitive Hierarchy in Capacity Allocation Games


地点:伟德源自英国始于1946学部三层 B 教室

主讲人:Prof. Haitao Cui (崔海涛), Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota


We examine a supply chain with a single supplier and multiple retailers to predict the retailers’ actual ordering behaviors. If retailer orders exceed supplier capacity, a proportional rationing rule applies to allocate capacity among retailers. We propose a behavior model based on cognitive hierarchy theory, in which retailers with different levels of strategic-reasoning capabilities form heterogeneous beliefs about other players’ capabilities when choosing their orders. This behavioral model yields three interesting predictions. First, retailers’ order quantity is significantly below the Nash equilibrium. Second, the average order quantity increases as the number of retailers decreases or the supplier’s production capacity shrinks. Third, retailers’ profit first increases in relation to their strategic-reasoning capabilities and then decreases, indicating an inverted U-shaped relationship between retailers’ profit and strategic-reasoning capabilities. We experimentally examine the capacity allocation game with participants motivated by financial incentives. The results from structural estimations confirm the predictions of the behavioral model.


崔教授当前的研究兴趣集中于行为及实验经济学、行为科学与大数据的交互研究等、品牌、竞争策略、定价、渠道策略。崔老师在卡尔森工商管理学院为博士、EMBA、MBA及EDP等项目教授新营销理念、战略营销管理、市场营销管理、营销调研、中国商业挑战等课程。崔教授目前担任国际顶级学术期刊Production and Operations Management 高级编委及Marketing Science编委会成员。

此外,崔老师多次获得国际营销界顶级学报、美国市场营销科学研究院、美国市场营销协会等颁发的学术荣誉及奖励。其中包括2011美国市场营销科学研究院青年学者奖 、3M 学者奖、2014国家自然科学基金重点项目、《管理科学》(Management Science) 功勋服务奖(多次)、《市场营销科学》(Marketing Science) 杰出服务奖、2004美国营销协会AMA-Sheth博士联盟学者奖等。