报告人:Prof. Dan Ralescu
报告题目:Fuzzy theory and its applications to optimization, control, and statistics
报告地点:25楼经管学部三层教室class A.
国际著名数学家,模糊数学创始人之一,在模糊分析与模糊概率论等领域做出了重要贡献,目前主要从事不确定性数学理论及其应用的研究工作。现为美国辛辛那提大学(University of Cincinnati)数学系终身教授。
We will discuss first the possibility of extending a set-function, such that its values will be fuzzy sets. We will give examples, including optimization with fuzzy constraints, and we will also discuss some issues of fuzzy control systems. The general method of extension we use can be applied to evaluate probabilities of fuzzy events. Finally we discuss applications to statistical testing of hypotheses.